Art Center

Classes for Kids/Teens Schedule

All by Myself, Tuesday Afternoon
to May 13

All by Myself, Tuesday Afternoon

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

This is our third series for All by Myself on Tuesday afternoons. We will create different projects from the previous sessions. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends. We will make new projects during this session.

We will not meet on April 15th.

This class lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. It is for children ages 4-6. Heather Exley will teach it.

All By Myself, Tuesday Afternoon
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Jewelry Making, Tuesday
to May 13

Jewelry Making, Tuesday

Join jewelry designer and teacher Stephanie Storm for a fun, hands-on workshop on Monday afternoons after school. We will learn to create stylish beaded bracelets, earrings, and much more, and participants will choose their materials for designing each piece. This class is offered on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30.  

We will not meet on April 15th.

Stephanie Storm teaches this class. Ages 4-12

Jewelry Making, Tuesday
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Potion Mixing
to May 13

Potion Mixing

Spend Tuesday after school mixing concoctions and potions. We will make slime, magic, and colorful potions for bathtime, food-related potions, erupting volcanoes, fizzy chalk, flower potions, sun prints, and more. Bring your imagination and creativity and wear clothes that can get messy.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Ages 5 and up.

We will not meet on April 15th.

Potion Mixing, After School
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Handbuilding Pottery Class, Wednesday
to May 14

Handbuilding Pottery Class, Wednesday

Join us and learn the different hand-building techniques of pinching, coiling, and slab rolling to create functional pieces and sculptures. We will glaze the pieces that we make. New projects will be offered for the kids who are continuing this class.

We will not meet on April 16th.

Heather Exley teaches this class for ages five and up.

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All by Myself, Thursday Morning
to May 15

All by Myself, Thursday Morning

  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

All by Myself THURSDAY Mornings, from 10:30 - 11:45 PM. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends.

We will not meet on March 20th and April 17th.

This class lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. Ages 4-6: Heather Exley will teach this class.

All by Myself, Thursday Mornings
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All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
to May 15

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

All by Myself THURSDAY afternoons, from 1:30 - 2:45 PM. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends.

We will not meet on March 20th and April 17th.

This class lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. Ages 4-6: Heather Exley will teach this class.

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
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Draw, Paint, Print
to May 15

Draw, Paint, Print

In this class, we will draw, paint, and make prints, all different from the last session. On some days, we will combine these processes, and during other classes, we will focus on only one method. Your artist will create framable two-dimensional pieces.

We will not meet on March 20th and April 17th.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Age 5 and up.

Draw, Paint, Print
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Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds
to May 16

Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds

We are excited to offer a new class for artists ages 2-5. Join Heather and explore materials and techniques. It’s the process that counts more than the final results so that the kiddos can get creative. I am always a big fan of open-ended projects! We will talk about art and learn so much. The kiddos will get messy, so please send your artist in clothes that can get messy.

Heather Exley teaches this class for ages 2-5. We will not meet on March 21st or April 18th.

Grown-ups are welcome to stay during the class.

Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds
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Creative Exploration, Friday
to May 16

Creative Exploration, Friday

Join us on Friday afternoons after school for an engaging, process-oriented art class. In this new session, students will embark on fresh projects, delving into various art materials and techniques through open-ended lessons. The studio approach encourages creativity and personal expression, allowing each child to develop their artistic voice.

We will not meet on March 21st or April 18th.

Ages 4-12

Heather Exley teaches this class.

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Creative Exploration, Saturday Morning
to May 17

Creative Exploration, Saturday Morning

Join us on Saturday mornings for an engaging, process-oriented art class. In this new session, students will embark on fresh projects, delving into various art materials and techniques through open-ended lessons. The studio approach encourages creativity and personal expression, allowing each child to develop their artistic voice.

We will not meet on March 22nd or April 19th.

Ages 4-12

Heather Exley teaches this class.

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Handbuilding Pottery Class, Monday
to May 19

Handbuilding Pottery Class, Monday

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come explore clay at Sky Soup and unleash your inner ceramic artist! Learn the basics of clay, such as pinch pots, slab forms, and coil pots. Experiment with 3D forms and surface pattern design as you open your mind to the wonderful world of clay!

We will not meet on March 31st or April 14th.

Kate Kasmer teaches this class. Ages 5 and up.

Handbuilding Pottery Class, Monday
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Jewelry Making, Monday
to May 19

Jewelry Making, Monday

Join jewelry designer and teacher Stephanie Storm for a fun, hands-on workshop on Monday afternoons after school. We will learn to create stylish beaded bracelets, earrings, and much more, and participants will choose their materials for designing each jewelry piece. This ten-week workshop is offered on Monday afternoons from 4:30-5:30.  

We will not meet on March 31st or April 14th.

Stephanie Storm teaches this class.

Ages 4-12

Jewelry Making, Monday
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10:45 AM10:45

Potions Workshop

Join us for this one-day special event-Potions making!

Spend time mixing concoctions and potions. We will make slime, magic flower potions, erupt volcanoes, and more as time permits. Bring your imagination and creativity and wear clothes that can get messy.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Ages 5 and up. Please send your artist a peanut-free lunch.

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Creative Exploration, Saturday Morning, SOLD OUT
to Jan 22

Creative Exploration, Saturday Morning, SOLD OUT

We will begin this new art-making session with new projects. Join us on Friday after school for a process-oriented art class. We will explore many art materials and techniques with open-ended lessons.

We will not meet on December 28th or February 15th.

Ages 4-12

Heather Exley teaches this class.

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Creative Exploration, Friday
to Jan 21

Creative Exploration, Friday

We will begin this new art-making session with new projects. Join us on Friday after school for a process-oriented art class. We will explore many art materials and techniques with open-ended lessons.

We will not meet on December 27th or February 14th.

Ages 4-12

Heather Exley teaches this class.

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Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds
to Jan 21

Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds

We are excited to offer a new class for artists ages 2-5. Join Heather and explore materials and techniques. It’s the process that counts more than the final results so that the kiddos can get creative. I am always a big fan of open-ended projects! We will talk about art and learn so much. The kiddos will get messy, so please send your artist in clothes that can get messy.

Heather Exley teaches this class for ages 2-5. We will not meet on December 27th or February 14th.

Grown-ups are welcome to stay during the class.

Process Art for 2-5 Year Olds
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Draw, Paint, Print
to Jan 20

Draw, Paint, Print

In this class, we will draw, paint, and make prints, all different from the last session. On some days, we will combine these processes, and during other classes, we will focus on only one method. Your artist will create framable two-dimensional pieces.

We will not meet on December 26th.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Age 5 and up.

Draw, Paint, Print
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All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
to Jan 20

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

All by Myself THURSDAY afternoons, from 1:30 - 2:45 PM. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends.

We will not meet on December 26th.

This class lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. Ages 4-6: Heather Exley will teach this class.

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
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All by Myself, Thursday Morning
to Jan 20

All by Myself, Thursday Morning

  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

All by Myself THURSDAY Mornings, from 10:30 - 11:45 PM. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends.

We will not meet on December 26th..

This class lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. Ages 4-6: Heather Exley will teach this class.

All by Myself, Thursday Mornings
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Handbuilding Pottery Class, Wednesday
to Jan 19

Handbuilding Pottery Class, Wednesday

Join us and learn the different hand-building techniques of pinching, coiling, and slab rolling to create functional pieces and sculptures. We will glaze the pieces that we make. New projects will be offered for the kids who are continuing this class.

We will not meet on December 25th or January 1st.

Heather Exley teaches this class for ages 5 and up.

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Hand Stitching
to Jan 25

Hand Stitching

Join our Tuesday afternoon sewing circle to learn hand-stitching techniques while chatting with friends. You will learn how to make a friendship bracelet, embroidery, finger weave, stitch mini-masterpieces, and sew with a needle and thread. You will also learn different hand-stitching techniques while creating something to wear or use.

We will not meet on December 24th or 31st.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Ages 5 and up.

Hand Stitching
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Draw, Paint, Print
to Nov 21

Draw, Paint, Print

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this class, we will draw, paint, and make prints. On some days, we will combine these processes, and during other classes, we will focus on only one method. Your artist will create framable two-dimensional pieces.

Heather Exley teaches this class. Age 5 and up.

Draw, Paint, Print
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3D Projects for Tweens
to Nov 21

3D Projects for Tweens

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tweens will use textiles, fibers, and paper to create three-dimensional pieces like baskets and more.

Claudia Parra teaches this class. Ages 9-12.

We will not meet on October 4th or 24th.

3D Projects for Tweens
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All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
to Nov 21

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon

This class is designed for students who attend kindergarten or prekindergarten for a half day.

All by Myself THURSDAY afternoons, from 1:30 - 2:45 PM. Creative art projects are designed around a story, song, or theme. Children explore a variety of materials to create their unique art. The students will bring home many beautiful art pieces; this is a process-based class. This is a fantastic opportunity for more social time with friends.

We will not meet on October 3rd.

This class lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes. Ages 4-6: Heather Exley will teach this class.

All by Myself, Thursday Afternoon
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Castle Design, Mini Series
to May 5

Castle Design, Mini Series

We have a limited number of spots for this MINI series, which is modeled after our HOUSE DESIGN camp. Each artist will receive a castle to design. They will be encouraged to turn the castle into the castle of their dreams. We will paint them, design the interiors, and build the exteriors.

Castle Design MINI Series
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2D Color Exploration for Tweens
to May 23

2D Color Exploration for Tweens

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will create 2-dimensional art by focusing on color relationships using a variety of mediums: painting, printing, oil pastels, charcoal, watercolors, acrylic paint, and mixed media. We will also make observational and imaginative drawings. This class is an extension of our winter class, we will do new projects.

We will not meet on March 28th.

Claudia Parra teaches this class for tweens ages 9-12

2D Color Exploration for Tweens
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Meditation Stones, Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens
4:30 PM16:30

Meditation Stones, Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens

Connect with us for a monthly art class centered around self-care and wellness.

Join art therapist, Rebecca Livingston, and Heather Exley at Sky Soup for a creative hour making MEDITATION STONES. We will make meditation stones, enjoy the company of friends, and share some snacks. Take your MEDITATION STONES home and discover ways to integrate them into your mindfulness practice.

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Cardboard Creations
to Jan 23

Cardboard Creations

Join us for CARDBOARD CREATIONS. Join us for the endless possibilities of creating with cardboard. We will do open-ended projects. Make a mini pinata, a box city with your friends, a mask, and much more. In our Cardboard Creations, we will paint, glue, cut, construct, tape, and more to create all things cardboard. It’s all about the process. Bring your creativity and imagination.

Heather Exley teaches this class.

We will not meet on Tuesday, March 26th

Ages 4-12

Cardboard Creations
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2D Color Exploration for Tweens
to Feb 22

2D Color Exploration for Tweens

We will create 2-dimensional art by focusing on color relationships using a variety of mediums: painting, printing, oil pastels, charcoal, watercolors, acrylic paint, and mixed media. We will also make observational and imaginative drawings.

We will not meet on December 28th.

Claudia Parra teaches this class for tweens ages 9-12

2D Color Exploration for Tweens
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Embellish a Journal, Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens
4:30 PM16:30

Embellish a Journal, Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens

Connect with us for a monthly art class centered around self-care and wellness.

Join art therapist, Rebecca Livingston, and Sky Soup owner, Heather Exley for a creative hour embellishing a journal. Do you ever wish you kept a journal? Spend the hour with us personalizing your JOURNAL so you never have to face a blank journal page. Create with color to ready each page for your sketches and written observations. Share ideas and learn the benefits of daily journaling. Leave with a beautiful new JOURNAL that you created in hand. 

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Felted Stones Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens
4:30 PM16:30

Felted Stones Wellness Workshop for Preteens and Teens

Join Rebecca Livingston of Main Line Creative Counseling and Heather Exley at Sky Soup for a monthly wellness workshop for preteens and teens. We will make felted stones, enjoy each other’s company, and share some snacks. Take your felted rocks home to share with your family.

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Handbuilding Pottery Class
to Nov 15

Handbuilding Pottery Class

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are thrilled to announce and offer a new ceramics class. We will learn the different handbuilding techniques of pinching, coiling, and slab rolling to create functional pieces and sculptures. We will glaze the pieces that we make.

Ages 5-12. Heather Exley teaches this class

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3D Art Making
to Nov 21

3D Art Making

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Children will explore 3D art making. Each artist will design and then build a treehouse and all of the furniture and accessories to make their treehouse a vision of their imagination. Everyone will start with a base and create to see their ideas come to life.

Heather Exley teaches this class.

Ages 5-12

3D Art Making
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Cardboard Creations, Thursday Mini-Class
to Jun 8

Cardboard Creations, Thursday Mini-Class

To close the school year out, we are offering mini-classes before camp begins. Join us for the endless possibilities when creating with cardboard. We will do open-ended projects. Make a mini pinata, a box city with your friends, a shoebox theater and put on a puppet show, and more. In our Cardboard Creations we will paint, glue, cut, construct, tape, and more to create all things cardboard. It’s all about the process. Bring your creativity and imagination.

Ages 4-12

This class is taught by Heather Exley.

Cardboard Creations
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Paper and Tape Creations, Tuesday Mini-Class
to May 14

Paper and Tape Creations, Tuesday Mini-Class

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

To close the school year out, we offer mini-classes before camp begins. Join us for the endless possibilities when creating with paper, tape, and cardboard. We will do open-ended projects. Make a box city with your friends, make a mini pinata, a shoebox theater and put on a puppet show, and more as time permits. In our Paper and Tape Creations, we will paint, glue, cut, construct, tape, and more to create. It’s all about the process. Bring your creativity and imagination to this four-week class.

Ages 4-12

Heather Exley teaches this class.

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All Things Food SOLD OUT
to Jan 9

All Things Food SOLD OUT

All Things Food - The theme for this series is food. We will draw sweet treats in the style of artist Wayne Thiebaud, make colorful fake donuts, pastel cakes, food sculptures, and much more. Bring your imagination and creativity to this Thursday after school class.

We will not meet on December 29th

This class is taught by Heather Exley

Ages 4-12

All Things FOOD Camp, Week 2
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Book Making SOLD OUT
to Jan 8

Book Making SOLD OUT

Children love to make books. The students will make several kinds of books in this class: small accordion books, art books that we sew or bind, a book in a box, and more. Your artist can fill their books with drawings, stories, and poems or give beautiful books as gifts.

We will not meet on December 28th.

This class is taught by Heather Exley

Ages 4-12

Book Making
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Soft Sculpture SOLD OUT
to Oct 17

Soft Sculpture SOLD OUT

Join us to dye fabric and yarn to make significant and small soft sculptures with our dyed fabric. Learn basic sewing stitches and use them to stitch and create with material, make a Me-Pillow, a portrait quilt for a lovey or pet, and pom-poms.

Taught by Heather Exley

Ages 4-12

To keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. We will practice social distancing and frequent handwashing to keep everyone safe and healthy. We have also invested in the studio's two highly rated HEPA air filters, and two filters will ventilate the space based on the room's square footage.

Soft Sculpture
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Puppet Making
to Oct 15

Puppet Making

  • Sky Soup Art Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Children will make sock puppets, shadow puppets, hand puppets, and marionettes in characters of their choice. In addition to creating puppets, the children will act out puppet shows with their creations. Bring your imagination.

We will not meet on September 27th

Ages 4-12

Taught by Heather Exley

We will follow the schools and their COVID precautions.

Puppet Making
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Turn a Photograph into a Small Quilt
to Jun 8

Turn a Photograph into a Small Quilt

Join us on Wednesday to finish out the after-school classes before we begin summer camp. We will turn a photograph into a small quilt using embroidery floss, fabrics, and markers. This class meets 3 times.

Ages 4-12 This class is taught by Heather Exley

In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. We have also invested in two highly rated HEPA air filters for the studio. Two filters will ventilate the space based on the square footage of the room.

Turn a Photograph into a Quilt Square
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Mosaic Workshop - Tuesday
to Jun 7

Mosaic Workshop - Tuesday

Make Mosaic tiles. Join us on Thursdays to finish out the after-school classes before we begin summer camp. Use broken pottery and an assortment of colorful and iridescent tiles to create mosaic pieces. This class meets 3 times. Ages 4-12

We will not meet on May 24th. This class is taught by Heather Exley

In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. We have also invested in two highly rated HEPA air filters for the studio. Two filters will ventilate the space based on the square footage of the room.

Mosaic Workshop
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Pillow Portrait
to May 10

Pillow Portrait

Turn a self-portrait into a portrait pillow. Join us on Tuesdays to finish out the after-school classes before we begin summer camp. Using an assortment of fabrics and yarns, we will turn a drawing into a keepsake pillow or quilt. This workshop meets three times.

Ages 4-12

This class is taught by Heather Exley.

In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we will practice social distancing, and frequent handwashing, and the children will not share supplies. We have also invested in two highly rated HEPA air filters for the studio. Two filters will ventilate the space based on the square footage of the room.

Portrait Pillows
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